Guide To How To Become A Medium And How To Find One

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How to become a medium and how to find one


So where do start when you are just starting out on your mediumship journey? How do you begin? Where do you find a teacher or a like-minded group to practise with? So many questions…

Let me take you through the basics and uncover some facts about mediumship

  1. Everyone is psychic but not everyone is a medium. Anyone can learn mediumship if they so wish to but you must have the will, patience and most of all a spiritual mindset

  2. Find a group in local area such as spiritualist church or centre. There is nothing like first-hand experience with experienced teachers and like-minded beginners to practise with and give instant feedback. These groups are known as circles. An open circle is open to beginners and everyone.

  3. First of all you will need to learn how to connect on a psychic level with another human-being before you even start thinking about mediumship.

  4. If you are unable to go to a local group then there are plenty of groups online which can be found usually through Facebook. If you are on Facebook I would recommend joining the “Online Spiritualist Church Services” group run by Universal Spiritualism. This group has approved, advertised online circles, events and workshops from all around the World. The advantage of joining an online circle is that you can connect with others from all over the world. These types of groups and way of working has opened up since the lockdown and I believe that the spirit world are adapting and bringing new methods and ways of connecting with us

  5. Another option is setting up a home circle or being invited to one. Be wary of this as you will need a leader that can guide you in the right direction and has the right spiritual mindset and values that you have

  6. When finding any type of circle or group they should be low-cost or free. Avoid any circle that has excessive charges. A spiritualist church will charge up to £5 a session. Most online circles are free. Do bear in mind though that a leader hiring a room may have to charge a little more to cover their costs. This shouldn’t cost more than £8 though. Events, workshops and courses are different though. The organiser is free to charge what they like. If you sign up to say a “beginners 6-week course in psychic development” then you may expect to be charged for this. I would recommend finding about the teacher and seeing if they have any free events or taster sessions first.

  7. You will need to commit to your beginners psychic development group or circle so find one that has a regular weekly slot. To master your initial mediumship training you will need to sit in circle for at least a couple of years turning up every week. People in spiritualist church circles in the past would typically sit for many years.

  8. Find a circle that does specific exercises each week. The group should always start with a meditation. Sometimes the leader may speak and guide you on a journey and for example will ask you to receive a “gift”. This gift will be for another person in the circle and the group would chat about the spiritual symbolism of the gift. The meditation segment may be referred to as “sitting in the power.” The group is in effect working together to build the energy available to them from the spirit world to be able to bring through messages of support, upliftment and most of all proof of the afterlife.

  9. Typical psychic development exercises include drawing, colouring in mandalas, automatic writing, the use of oracle cards, sensing each other’s energy. Most people are what is called clairsentient and this means we feel others on a psychic level and this is what is being encouraged in these type of exercises. As you develop as a psychic medium you may experience clairvoyance (clear seeing) and/or clairaudience (clear hearing). These are usually on an internal level so for example, you will see images in your mind’s eye and have words, sentences or thoughts that aren’t your own. Others may actually see passed loved ones in the room or actually hear voices although this is rarer and most mediums fall into the first category.

  10. Photos are an excellent way of practising mediumship. Ask supportive friends or for volunteers online for photos of their ancestors to work with.

  11. You should practise psychometry. This is reading objects and sensing their energy. This could be on a psychic level and everyone in the circle will put an object on the table such as a bunch of keys, a wristwatch or a ring, for example. You may practise with ribbons and learn about what the different coloured ribbons mean in colour psychology or therapy. In a mediumship lesson you would practise with an object belonging to someone who has passed or another method is using fresh flowers. Ribbons and flowers are my favourite way of connecting to the spirit world as the colours bring through the emotions of the loved ones who have passed.

  12. When you first begin you should learn to switch off and be in control. The spirit would will be excited when they have found a new, eager person to work with and may bombard you with thoughts and images at any time of the day such as when you are out shopping! This is not a good thing obviously. Mentally tell your spirit team when you are ready to work and not to be disturbed at other times. The spirit world will know when you are attending a class or session and may impress on you some useful information such as a name or an image may flash up a few hours before the session. This may happen when you are cooking the dinner or having a bath! Don’t worry if this does or doesn’t happen. It is useful to have just a snippet of information though before you start a message as this will help your confidence.


  1. Male or Female

  2. Height

  3. Hair colour

  4. Body shape

  5. Occupation

  6. Location

  7. A name

  8. Health and illnesses

  9. How did the person pass

  10. A memory


  1. First of all establish what you want to gain through a reading. Mediumship is different from a general psychic reading. Some mediums will read on a psychic level and give predictions for the future as well as give a mediumship message. However, most mediums will just do mediumship. So please establish first what you want from your session. You may wish to contact a medium first to find out what sort of service they offer.

  2. Ask for recommendations from people you know in groups or friends

  3. Ask at your local spiritualist church or centre or contact the Spiritualist National Union or the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain if you are in the UK or an establishment like the National Spiritual Alliance in the US for help in finding you a list of reputable mediums in your area. Do a quick google search for national spiritualist centres in your own country.

  4. Have a look at the website which has professional, working mediums advertising who will have had training in an established spiritual centre

  5. If you use Facebook, Youtube or other websites then do your research, watch videos and be wary. It is just a case of does the medium have your honest values and have they had any sort of established training.

  6. Look at a medium’s reviews on their website or

  7. Be careful with national telephone psychic phonelines. These rack up the charges. I would advise only to use this option when there is a special offer on.

  8. Unless the medium is a famous, celebrity medium such as Tony Stockwell or Craig Hamilton-Parker then you should expect to pay between £20 to £40 generally for a reading either in person or online

  9. Please do not try to test the medium by remaining silent or by asking “trick” questions. The whole object of the reading is for them to provide evidential proof of the afterlife for you. You will be just wasting your money and both of your time. I would recommend letting them work in the way they wish to. If after 5 minutes you do not think you have a good connection with them please tell them so. Find out about their refund policy and terms and conditions first. Do not wait until the end to complain or ask for your money back. A good medium will know when they are not connecting with you for whatever reason and will say so.

  10. Not every medium will be able to work with you on any particular day. There is no guarantee that you will get a message so please bear that in mind. The conditons have to be right. It is just like a telephone exchange and sometimes there will be a faulty line.

  11. The medium should realise if they are struggling with the connection. It isn’t usally their own fault. They will go back to their spiritual team and ask to be shown evidence in a slightly different way. They are just human and can interpret things differently, not wrong just differently. Often you won’t understand the information being given but will do so later on. Sometimes this is weeks, months or even years later.

  12. Don’t forget that people aren’t meant to be able to do this and it is a skill and an art that will have been practised and honed mostly for many years.

  13. All mediums are different because they have different personalities whereas one medium may seem serious-minded, another may have a wonderful sense of humour. The spirit world will work with the medium’s own personality, attributes and life’s experiences to bring through messages.

  14. Finally enjoy your reading. There is nothing to be afraid of. Hopefully, you will come away from a session feeling uplifted and had some good evidence about how grandma’s teapot got broken!