Channelling Flower Devas And Nature Spirits Blog
WELCOME TO THE FLOWER DEVA CHANNELLING Blog where I will be uploading channelled information from the deva or spirit of the flowers that is designed to help humanity deal with the pressures of Earthly living and learn how plants can help you to lead a more spiritual life
White Rose Channelling 28th December 2023
“The white rose has been sent here by the devic kingdom, the fairies, the angels, the plant spirits and the nature spirits. It is here to help with purifying our planet.
It is here to simplify your life, to help us become more gentle. It is here for mankind to help care for each other, to heal each other.
The prickly thorns are a way of protecting ourselves from the onslaught of daily life, the hurts and the insults. Instead of biting back and arguing, we can turn this into a good thing. If we are fully protected and strong in ourselves then we can cope with most of what is thrown at us on a daily basis.
We need to find time regularly in the week to do whatever our form of meditation might be, quietness and sitting with whatever we want to call our God, mother Earth, spirit, nature to restore and rejeuvenate ourselves.
If we are angry or upset and can’t heal ourselves then we can’t heal others. So the first and most important thing is to protect ourselves. This is the message of this white rose. The thorniness of the rose hips is protecting us from others.
The beautiful white/cream colour is inviting others to our gentle, placid nature but there is also protection here. So invite others into your life, help heal them, be gentle with them but remember to protect yourself at the same time.
The rose is delicate like us but parts of it may droop. It is perfect yet flawed like us. When it is tightly curled at the top it is waiting to blossom like you and me.
We need to heal ourselves. We are all a bit battered. We need to get back to simplicity and then we can move further on and bloom, unfurl out petals like the true nature spirits we are.
The spirit or deva of the rose would like to say that peace, gentleness and self-love is what is needed at this time.”
Daffodil Channelling 13th February, 2024
“Daffodils are here to show people how to communicate their needs. The daffodil has been around for centuries. It thrives near graveyards and churches. It talks about spritual communication which is why it is often found close to churches.
Its trumpet could signify that some people may become good spiritual mediums as the spirit world used to use man-made ‘trumpets’ to allow their voice to be used by physical mediums many years ago. Nowadays this means communicating spiritual matters, wisdom and new information.
Don’t ignore the voices in your head when developing as a medium. Learn to filter out extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the purest form of information that spirit is trying to communicate to you.
The yellow and sometimes cream colours found within a daffodil remind us that when we give psychic readings with a good heart and intention then we are operating from our solar plexus, our nervous energy centre. Some might call this using our clairsentience. This is how we initially learn to tune into a passed loved one’s thoughts, feelings and emotions. As time goes on, a medium will have a ‘clear knowing’ and will not be so affected afterwards by the sometimes emotional and upsetting aspects of a reading.
Remember you are the voice for spirit so use your voice wisely. Speak only with kindness, integrity and truth. Filter your own human mind to pass on the positive aspects in a reading. Your recipient will want to be uplifted and to receive one piece of accurate information. That is all that is needed to prove the existence of the human spirit after the physical death. You are not responsible for their healing journey afterwards.
The daffodil is a bulb. Bulbs are our link to the past. They store their energy to release in early Springtime. Daffodil’s message to you today is that Spring is around the corner, bringing another chance to get your message out there. Be the voice for spirit. You are being given another chance.
Whether you are a medium, healer, counsellor or just a really good friend to someone in need, you’ve been around for a long time like the daffodil. You’ve formed your own opinions and beliefs of a spiritual nature that have been learned from childhood and through to adult life, like the daffodil close to the church soaking up the atmosphere witnessing many, many events - the baptism, the weddings, the funerals, Easter, Christmas, harvest festivals.
You have witnessed a lot in your life too. Share the positives from your healing journey. You never know when it might just help one person, a person in need. That person might be just like you many years ago.
Daffodil wants you to teach and be the voice for spirit.”
Snowdrop Channelling 13th February, 2024
“Snowdrops are fighters for survival in the plant world. They are delicate but robust just like you. They like to be first in on the act, inquisitive but shy.
They peek their head out of the snow-covered ground when others are still hibernating. There is a quiet confidence about this gentle, elegant yet tough flower.
Snowdrop’s message to the world is to be an early riser, be inquisitive. There is the saying that ‘the early bird catches the worm.’
The snowdrop is a bulb which links to the past. Its bell-shaped, delicate petals remind us we need to remain grounded while as the same time looking at the future with interest. There is a shyness and a hesitance.
You’ve managed to get up early so commit to seeing what the rest of the day holds. Don’t give up. Don’t hide again in the snow.
The snowdrop is one of the first flowers to make an appearance after the Winter. Use its keen energy to make a head start on your plans, projects and get ahead of the game. You’ll do it with a quiet, confidence, without ego.
The snowdrop is fleeting in the calendar. Use the time wisely. Don’t miss out. Be positive and optimistic about the future. It won’t always be cold and bleak. The soil will soon warm up. Other more confident, showy flowers will start to bloom just like other human beings. Don’t let anyone steal your thunder, your sensitive, unassuming, placid thunder.
The white colour stands for peace, simplicity and a spiritual nature much like what you are striving for. With snowdrop you have a chance to get a head start with these admirable, human qualities.
Snowdrop wants you to get an early start.”
Sweet Pea Channelling 26th June, 2024
“Sweet peas provide a heady scent. They are delicate but like to be noticed. They are an annual flower, sown from seed with butterfly-shaped petals. Sweet peas need to be supported by canes, trellis, a fence or other plants.
Their message is that this is the time to support others or for you to be supported. For a fleeting time there is support available.
The deva or flower spirit talks of the fact that these delicate yet showy flowers need to be trained upwards. They are climbing plants.
There is a gentle yet strong character about them. Perhaps this is the time to undergo training yourself or seek out someone qualified, a specialist. There is a strong hint of caring or even nursing with this, offering short but detailed attention to others in need.
The beautiful perfume indicates good health but only for the time that the plant is in flower. For this short time support your colleagues, neighbours and community and especially if they have been feeling poorly.
The sweet pea needs a lot of tending to keep going throughout the Summer. Plant the seed of your idea to help your neighbour or access aid yourself in the Spring. Put plans in place so that your neighbour has the support availabe in a short space of time. Water and feed well throughout this time. Pick the seeds to begin the cycle of help next year.
Sweet pea says that people thrive and flourish well with short but intensive assistance from others. Get organised, make plans. If you know someone is suffering, be prepared to focus on their wellbeing at the right time. This is our social responsibility. This will not go unnoticed.”
Buddleia Channelling 26th June, 2024
“Buddleia is a perennial plant which flowers year after year and is also known as the ‘butterfly bush,’ It varies with its colours, white, pink and a deep purple colour with sprays of drooping flowers.
Buddleia’s message to the world is that when all around you things are changing, some things will remain constant and true.
This bush is very strong and anchored in the ground. It can survive almost any destruction, with its thick, wood stem, almost like a tree itself. However, the flowers are of great, almost regal beauty, with a delicate fragrance and nectar that attracts the butterflies.
These colourful insects symbolise change and transformation. This can make us anxious, worried, even petrified. This is our human nature to be like this. It is the way we grow and learn.
The drooping sprays of delicate flowers sway in the wind. They signify the need to be flexible, to adapt to the changes going on around us. The way the petals hang can also represent a tendency to look on the pessismistic side. Therefore, the buddliea can help us remain steadfast when we are feeling depressed.
Do not allow yourself to be swayed byt other’s opinions and negative outlook on life. The regal purple colour gives us confidence and lets us hold our heads high in the face of adversity.
Buddleia’s message to humanity is that if your world feels like it is crumbling in front of your very eyes, know that you are strong and well-rooted, but with flexibility. There are always options and choices to consider.
Allow the wind to sway you in the right direction. Follow the path of the butterfly who will lead you to the positive changes that are needed in your life.”
Delphinium Channelling 26th June, 2024
“Delphiniums can be annual flowers but the most common type is the perennial which flowers every year. They come in various colours such as white, pink, purple and even red but the most striking is the deep blue.
Delphinium’s message is to live in the moment. Their trumpet-shaped petals face upwards towards the heavens symbolising communication with spirit, even more so when you encounter the deep blue variety.
Delphis is the Greek word for dolphin. This aquatic mammal signifies joy, fun and communication with their special brand of sound communication.
This flower is about joyful communication, spreading joy and the upliftment of spirit. It has one, true voice much like the dolphin. It also has freedom.
It is a feminine plant and some people may be reminded of their mothers and grandmothers who have walked the Earth before us. It holds special memories of the talents and creativity of our female ancestors, who would like to remind us to put our talents to good use.
Despite this positive outlook, the delphinium does need protection, just like we do. It requires a stake to support it through the worst of the bad weather. It is a reminder that however tall and top of the world we are feeling, the wind can knock us off balance and even break our spirit.
Remember to protect yourself from unexpected upheavals. They can happen at any time. Have a support system. Don’t take anything for granted. As long as you have done the groundwork then playtime can last for the whole of the season.
The fairies come in close now to lift you up and experience joy that may have been missing in your life for some time. Enjoy….”