The Angels of the Earth animal healing attunement was channelled in 2007 by Linda C. Colibert.
This system combines the Divine Earth Energy and power of Archangels to communicate with and heal animals. It calls on Archangels Uriel, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel to intervene and lend their power to heal animals.
The Dove reiki attunement has been channelled by Daelyn Wolf and is used for love, peace, friendship, empowerment and healing. It will help bring loving, soothing energies into your life. If you are having problems in the area of love or friendships then the beautiful dove will help heal emotions and calm fears.
The dream voyage of the swan attunement was channelled by Linda Colibert and will connect you to the spirit of swan and guide you on a dream voyage spirit journey. It will help you with grace, intuition and discovering the hidden talents and desires within.
The Eagle Empowerment was channelled by Tina Hesskew.
Eagle symbolises courage, leadership, fertility, strength, wisdom, loyalty, balance, healing, insight, awareness and higher consciousness.
It shows you your opportunities and how to ride the currents to achieve them.
The Animal Empowerments attunement was channelled in 2006.
You will be attuned to 9 animals:
Bat- rebirth, longevity, secrecy, viewing past lives. Dragonfly- manifestation, colour healing. Great horned owl- death, rebirth, clairvoyance. Butterfly- metamorphosis, transformation. Spirit of the jaguar- protection, courage, strength. Dolphin breath- unconditional love, recalling the child within, universal harmony. Spider- creativity, illusion, magic, nurturing instinct, mystery. Dragon- strength, power, perseverance, prosperity. Crow- honouring ancestors, shapeshifting, working without fear in darkness.
The Owl Empowerment was channelled in 2006 by Elizabeth (Starlightowl) Hibel.
When you have been attuned to the energies of the owl, you will have access to its attributes. Owl medicine is associated with clairvoyance, astral projection and magic.
Key words:
Messenger between planes, Clairvoyance, Wisdom, Reincarnation, Freedom, Sight beyond illusion, Secrecy, Mystery, Lunar magic, Healing, Conveyor of omens, Swift movement, Prophecy, Shape shifting, Perceptiveness.
The Deer Medicine Empowerment was channelled by Lisa Center.
Deer wisdom includes:
Gentleness in word, thought and touch. Ability to listen. Grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance. Understanding of what's necessary for survival. Power of gratitude and giving. Ability to sacrifice for the higher good. Connection to the woodland goddess. Alternative paths to a goal.