“A set of dominoes consists of 28 oblong blocks made of ivory, bone, wood or plastic. The game originated in China in ancient times as dice markings were transferred to pieces of wood called chims. This was supposed to prevent the trickery that could occur with dice divination.”

(From The Mammoth Book Of Ancient Wisdom by Cassandra Easson)

Cassandra Easson says in her book The Mammoth Book Of Ancient Wisdom that

“because two numbers are joined on a single domino, the divinatory meaning revolves not only around the individual number meanings, but also whether the domino is waxing or waning”

In other words reading left to right the number either increases (waxing) eg. 1-2 or decreases (waning) eg. 4-3. Generally, dominoes with increasing numbers read left to right are thought to be positive and reflect the creative meaning of the number. Decreasing numbers read left to right are thought to be more negative and a destructive aspect. However, Cassandra also adds that negative aspected dominoes with seemingly bad luck and doom and gloom for endings are necessary for new beginnings and a negative emotion can be a powerful impetus for positive change. Also don’t forget we have our free will to try to change our lives around for the better!

Below are various methods of domino divination I have come across. As with dice divination, try out some methods, keep a diary of your forecasts and apply the basics of numerology to your readings.

Method 1

BLANK/BLANK This is a time of new energy from the Universe and new beginnings for you. Open yourself to this energy and they will lead you in a new direction with great potential

BLANK/ONE The new beginning is underway. This is a time to be aware and to make sure that the direction you are heading in is what you really desire

ONE/ONE This is the perfect synchronicity of two people working together toward one cause. There is no stopping the focused vision of the one/one. You cannot fight the one/one

BLANK/TWO This indicates the opportunity for new partnerships and new friendships. Open your heart to this energy for it usually means that a life partner is on the horizon

ONE/TWO This is a time of new knowledge and integration for your higher self. You will come to understand your true purpose and why you are on this earth

TWO/TWO This is a time of coming together in pairs. Although this can refer to life partners, it can also indicate twins or multiple births. It can also indicate a spiritual closeness with the creator

BLANK/THREE The Universe is now offering you the chance for a deep integration of the whole self - body, mind and soul, spirit and creator. Take this opportunity now

ONE/THREE This indicates a psychic awakening for you. It could be clairvoyance, clairsentience or clairaudience. It could also be any combination or all three.

TWO/THREE This domino indicates a challenge to the workings of your physical life. It shows a time of confusion and a need to centre yourself and determine a clear intent plan

THREE/THREE If you have felt confused about an issue, realise that what you need to know is being made available to you. The time is here to make a decision and the choice will be obvious

BLANK/FOUR This is a time of balance, perfect balance in fact. Even if you thought that you and life were already balanced, think again! You are in for a pleasant surprise

ONE/FOUR There is a need for balance within you. The great turbulence you experience needs to change. Although the challenge and change may be painful, know that they are beneficial

TWO/FOUR You have the opportunity for growth. Don’t let it pass you by. Learn everything you have the chance to learn so that you have a deeper understanding of just what the truth is

THREE/FOUR Time to carry on with the spiritual work that has taken second place while you have been taking care of the physical aspects of your life. Don’t let others hold you back from this path.

FOUR/FOUR This is a time to think for yourself. Too many people, too many opinions. You cannot live life or make decisions based on the opinions and attitudes of all these other people

BLANK/FIVE This is a time for family. It is also the perfect time to start a family. And a happy family you will be! It is also a good time for family reunions

ONE/FIVE You have been doing so much on your own. There will be another to help share this burden with you. When help is offered, accept it gracefully

TWO/FIVE You are being given messages from spirit in your dreams. It is important that you pay attention and make notes on all your dreams. Valuable knowledge is being offered

THREE/FIVE There is an anger within you and it needs to be released. Keeping your mouth shut is doing you more harm than good. Ask spirit for help with the healing

FOUR/FIVE Don’t be reckless with your choices. Every choice you make affects others as well as you. This is not a time to think once and act. Think twice. Think three times and be sure you’re right

FIVE/FIVE This is a time for new awareness, of looking at things from a new perspective. Maybe you have something new to offer the world or to pass on to the younger generation

BLANK/SIX This is a time for growth at all levels. It is, however an especially good time for growth and expansion within the physical world. Good fortune will attend almost any endeavour

ONE/SIX Too many things have been delayed for too long. Now is the time to complete some of those projects that you have put off. You will feel better when they are done

TWO/SIX You have only glimpsed the possibilities and scratched at the surface of your personal potential. It is time to reach for and attain higher spiritual goals

THREE/SIX Confusing times again, but… the answer is within you if you only choose to go within and explore the pros and cons of current circumstances

FOUR/SIX What goes around, come around. All the energies that you have put into the Universe will come back to you with the same intent with which they were originally sent

FIVE/SIX This is the reward for following a true path. All the hardships and difficulties will be a thing of the past. It is also a time of fertility so if you’ve been trying for a child this is the time

SIX/SIX This is a time of resolution to a long and difficult issue. Whether this is leaving your job, leaving a partner or whatever. Now is the time. The doors of opportunity await you

Method 2

BLANK/BLANK This is the unluckiest domino in the set. The double blank will have a negative effect on all your activities. Wait until you get over your present difficulties before embarking on something new

ONE/BLANK A stranger or outsider will bring some interesting news that could mean financial gain, but don’t be too trusting

ONE/ONE Harmony and affection are predicted and a stranger could be involved. Don’t postpone making an important decision

TWO/BLANK You will travel and meet new friends but someone could cause difficulties for you

TWO/ONE Financial problems and maybe a loss of money or property are indicated but this domino is good for social life and old friends

TWO/TWO You will get what you want. Business success and personal happiness are predicted but enemies may try to spoil it for you

THREE/BLANK This domino is not a good omen and you could experience unexpected problems both at home and at work

THREE/ONE The answer to the question in mind is “no.” Some useful but surprising news is on its way. Outsiders may cause unhappiness for you

THREE/TWO Fortunate changes are coming your way but you still need to be cautious just now in your financial affairs

ONE/FOUR A change for personal financial gain or to achieve tangible recognition or reward for an original idea

FOUR/BLANK A time to keep secrets and to mend any quarrells that are still unresolved

THREE/THREE Beware backbiting or malice by a third party who may try to come between partners or close friends

TWO/THREE An additional responsibility or challenge will bring joy and new opportunities in the near future, especially where younger people are concerned

THREE/ONE Check any too good to be true offers as they may be just that

ONE/THREE A startling revelation or discovery may open a whole new field to you or completely change your perspective

THREE/BLANK Avoid jealousy and controversial subjects as there are unsettled feelings flying

BLANK/THREE An unexpected bonus or opportunity enables you to expand your horizons and lifestyle

TWO/TWO A double success in work and home life, with partnerships of any kind bringing special joy

TWO/ONE Independence and a clash in priorities may become an issue in a relationship, so make any decisions carefully

ONE/TWO A new partnership deepens, perhaps in a permanent way, whether personal or connected with work

TWO/BLANK There may be an unexpected, temporary parting, either your own or that of a close friend or relation. Use the time for personal growth

BLANK/TWO An unexpected friendship or offer of co-operation may prove helpful and redress the balance in your life

THREE/THREE This domino predicts trouble in your emotional life, jealousy or distress but money is well-favoured

FOUR/BLANK Bad news is on its way. A love affair may turn out to be disappointing or something you want could be postponed. Do your best to reconcile an argument

FOUR/ONE Financial problems lie ahead. Pay any outstanding debts now to avoid trouble in the future

FOUR/TWO A change for the worse is indicated. Setback, losses or maybe even a robbery. Someone you know is deceitful. Be careful

FOUR/THREE Although you expect to encounter problems and disappointments, instead you will find happiness and success

FOUR/FOUR This domino points to happiness, joy and relaxation. There may be a party in a big building

FIVE/ONE You will soon see some sadness and you will have to give comfort to a friend in trouble. Be very careful about what you choose to say

FIVE/TWO A patient and tolerant friend will have an influence on your life. A birth is indicated

FIVE/THREE This domino indicated that you will get some good news or helpful advice from a visitor or your boss

FIVE/FOUR Profits and unexpected good fortune in financial matters but don’t take any big risks. It is not a good time for speculation

FIVE/FIVE Changes are coming your way which will bring success. A move to a new place is possible where you will be happy, or there will be a chance to make money from a new idea

SIX/BLANK Be careful of false friends or a deceitful person. Gossip could cause some unhappiness

SIX/ONE There will be an end to your problems. A wedding is foretold

SIX/TWO Excellent luck is coming your way and your situation will improve. This domino is only lucky if you remain honest

SIX/THREE You are going to travel, or a journey will affect your life. A holiday will be happy and a journey may bring a gift

SIX/FOUR All the signs point to an argument, perhaps even a lawsuit, with an unsuccessful outcome

SIX/FIVE Help coming from a close friend or acquaintance. However, you will still need patience and perseverance to succeed. A kind action will bring you great regard

SIX/SIX This is the most fortunate domino in the set. This domino promises success and happiness in every area of your life

Method 3 (Advanced Gypsy Domino Fortune Telling)

The general interpretations of the individual suit values are as follows:

0 - The subject who seeks an answer to a question or insight into their future

1 - Journeys or travel

2 - Relatives, loved ones and close friends

3 - Romance

4 - Wealth, material prosperity and finance

5 - Work and career

6 - Fortune and luck

BLANK/BLANK Trouble or serious problems will strike unexpectedly

BLANK/ONE Personal happiness and contentment is threatened by an enemy

BLANK/TWO Financial difficulty and poverty

BLANK/THREE Greed or love of money will cause great difficulty

BLANK/FOUR Financial difficulty imminent

BLANK/FIVE A union or marriage will turnout unhappily

BLANK/SIX Great embarrassment or scandal looms

ONE/BLANK A journey of great personal significance beckons

ONE/ONE A reunion with someone you have not seen in years

ONE/TWO A visit from or a journey with an old friend

ONE/THREE A business trip will turn out successfully

ONE/FOUR Debts loom, leading to trouble, or possibly a childless marriage

ONE/FIVE A love affair or proposal will take you on an emotional journey, or you will just attend a social event leading you on a voyage of discovery

ONE/SIX Two marriages with the second being happier

TWO/BLANK A loved one will have great impact on your life

TWO/ONE Someone close will give you good news

TWO/TWO A personal wish will come true

TWO/THREE An outstanding debt will be honoured

TWO/FOUR Loss of something personally or monetary value due to theft

TWO/FIVE Failure in an attempt at betterment in promotion, education, social standing or public office

TWO/SIX Good fortune in career, business or a personal financial deal

THREE/BLANK Dramatic change in romance and love life

THREE/ONE Romance found either from someone visiting or on a trip or holiday

THREE/TWO A lover will arrive or leave but will be very close to your social circle

THREE/THREE Significant wealth or an item of great value will arrive

THREE/FOUR A happy affair, marriage or love union

THREE/FIVE A visit by someone who may have significant influence on your life

THREE/SIX You will receive a gift signifying love

FOUR/BLANK Personal reward beckons

FOUR/ONE Material or financial gain related to a trip or journey

FOUR/TWO Wealth gained through a loved one or close friend, possibly an inheritance

FOUR/THREE A prosperous union

FOUR/FOUR An invitation to a prosperous and happy event

FOUR/FIVE Good fortune awaits in the near future

FOUR/SIX An early and fruitful marriage or union providing many children

FIVE/BLANK Significant change in a vocational direction

FIVE/ONE A chance for passionate romance, possibly through work

FIVE/TWO A change in job, position or wage either for you, a relative or someone close

FIVE/THREE A sign of an imminent, strong influence on your career or work life from someone you love or a personal intimately close

FIVE/FOUR A pay rise or career move for the better

FIVE/FIVE A change of fortune, possibly a new home

FIVE/SIX A change of employment or a good day with someone close

SIX/BLANK Personal good or bad fortune may strike from close to home

SIX/ONE A journey, trip or holiday, possibly leading to lasting emotional or personal happiness

SIX/TWO An endeavour by a relative or good friend will pay off and reflect well on yourself

SIX/THREE Luck in love, but it could be problematic and difficult

SIX/FOUR Unexpected change in your prosperity, status or general fortune

SIX/FIVE Success at work, in career, vocation or possibly education

SIX/SIX A very happy and fortunate future

Method 4 (Cassandra Easson)

BLANK/BLANK Caution is needed in money matters and care with possessions as this is one time when things are easily lost

BLANK/ONE A stranger may offer unexpected help or information that may set you on a new course of action, or perhaps to learn a new skill

ONE/BLANK Fear of the unknown may be holding you back unnecessarily from a new venture or striking out alone

ONE/ONE Believe in yourself and act now. Happiness and success are within your grasp now

BLANK/TWO An unexpected friendship or offer of co-operation may prove helpful and redress the balance in your life

TWO/BLANK There may be an unexpected temporary parting, either your own or that of a close relation or friend. Use the time for personal growth

ONE/TWO A new partnership deepens, perhaps in a permanent way, whether personal or connected with work

TWO/ONE Independence and a clash in priorities may become an issue in a relationship, so make any decisions carefully

DOUBLE TWO A double success in work and home life, with partnerships of any kind bringing special joy

BLANK/THREE An unexpected bonus or opportunity enables you to expand your horizons and lifestyle

THREE/BLANK Avoid jealousy and controversial subjects as there are unsettled feelings flying

ONE/THREE A startling revelation or discovery may open a whole new field to you or completely change your perspective

THREE/ONE Check any too good to be true offers as they may be just that

TWO/THREE An additional responsibility or challenge will bring joy and new opportunities in the near future, especially where younger people are concerned

THREE/TWO Beware backbiting or malice by a third party who may try to come between partners or close friends

DOUBLE THREE Now is the time to ask for promotion, more money or for recognition, as reward for your efforts is long overdue

BLANK/FOUR Take any unexpected opportunities to travel or to make contact overseas. Contacts now may bear fruit at a later date

FOUR/BLANK A time to keep secrets and to mend any quarrels that are still unresolved

ONE/FOUR A chance for personal financial gain or to achieve tangible recognition or reward for an original idea

FOUR/ONE A time to settle any debts and to plan future finances carefully, especially if expenditure is likely to rise

TWO/FOUR A partnership or joint venture bears fruit and offers long-term security

FOUR/TWO A financial or material crisis can be avoided if you let others know in advance of any problems and put your finances in order

THREE/FOUR A good time to consolidate any business deals and to put temporary arrangements on a more secure footing

FOUR/THREE Share your fears and insecurities about a particular venture rather than giving up, as they may prove to be unfounded

DOUBLE FOUR Travel and financial bonuses should become reality before long, if you continue to be meticulous about planning

BLANK/FIVE Wise counsel from an unexpected source may solve a long-standing problem or legal dispute

FIVE/BLANK Beware taking short cuts or chances, especially from untried sources, as you may fall foul of authority or lose the approval of those whom you respect

ONE/FIVE You can achieve success whether in your career, learning or exams if you concentrate single-mindedly on your goal

FIVE/ONE You may find you are standing alone if you cross an authority figure without checking your facts

TWO/FIVE It is a good time to formalise any partnerships or co-operative ventures and to resolve any legal problems that may stand in the way

FIVE/TWO A power struggle can threaten a partnership so you need to use your mind rather than your heart to avoid a permanent rift

THREE/FIVE If you follow the conventional path, you may improve your status and public image

FIVE/THREE Seek wise counsel rather than giving vent to anger, however justifiable, because you may regret it later

FOUR/FIVE You may benefit from legal or professional advice in business or financial matters to make the most of your resources

FIVE/FOUR Thank carefully before making any financial promises or new commitments as you may overstretch yourself at this time

FIVE/FIVE Trust your own wisdom as you are in a very strong position and your judgement is sound

BLANK/SIX Love at first sight or friendship that comes out of the blue offers great future happiness

SIX/BLANK Your peace of mind is disturbed by factors you cannot understand or an unknown adversary. Wait and things will become clearer

ONE/SIX There may be a new or sudden addition to your family circle, that heralds happiness if you accept him or her without reservation

SIX/ONE Independence is in the air. A friend or family member may seek to flee the nest. If you respond positively, then the parting will be amicable

TWO/SIX Harmony and stability will be restored in family or social life or partnership, after a period of disruption or isolation

SIX/TWO A close relationship needs attention as a partnership or close family member may be feeling neglected

THREE/SIX Relationships will enter a fertile and happy period. It is an excellent time for anyone wanting to start a family or join a ready-made one to put plans into action

SIX/THREE Harmony may be threatened by hidden resentments that need to be reocognised and handled with tact

FOUR/SIX There is a right time for everything and it is important to accept the natural progress of love rather than trying to force the pace

SIX/FOUR Harmony may be threatened by restlessness or apathy in a younger family member who may need to be encouraged to make definite plans for the future

FIVE/SIX A firm stand on a family or relationship matter especially concerning an older person will ensure long-term peace

SIX/FIVE A family member may feel that he or she has been unjustly treated. Try not to be rigid in your response as there may be a genuine grievance

DOUBLE/SIX Trust your feelings and if necessary reveal them. Happiness and peace of mind are found in family or love relationships or in a close friendship rather than on a solitary path